"Dogo Yarow"

The Magical Evergreen Tree

The neem plant is native to India but gradually spread to many parts of the world over the years.

Almost every part of this wonder plant is Medicinal, ranging from roots, bark, twigs, leaves, flowers and seeds......

It's very common within the Hausa communities in Cameroon more especially in the Northen regions which predominantly occupied by the Hausa ethnic group. They call it Dogo Yarow which when translated means, TALL CHILD or TALL PIKIN in Pidgin English.....


* Cardiac Problems: Infusions of leaves in HOT water when taken removes bad sugars and toxins from blood, dilates blood vessels, improves blood circulation and balances heart pumping rates

* High Blood Pressure: It relaxes erratic heart beats and balances blood pressure. * Research shows that the intravenous administration of neem leaf alcohol extract significantly deduces blood pressure

* Eczema : Dried leaves are burnt on red hot charcoal and cover to cure eczema

* Pesticides/Insecticide: Pound a few handful of seeds, add water, mash and filter out solution with a clean sieve. Use to spray your crops.

* As a Contraceptive: Neem is a natural contraceptive; it blocks spermatogenesis(the production of sperm cells) without affecting the production of testosterone. It is thus believed to be an ideal contraceptive for birth control as it is natural, available, nontoxic and affordable to almost all
** Neem oil can be use as a spermicide. It's applied deep in the vagina ( intravaginally ) before sexual intercourse. It kills sperms and prevent pregnancy

* Cancers: Leaves are rich in antioxidants. The help prevent cancers and also use against developing cancers

* Digestion: Take teas of neem leaves or barks to treat digestive problems

* Typhoid & Malaria: Neem leaves tea is an effective cure for Typhoid and Malaria (fevers)

* Blood Purification, Circulation and Enhancement. Neem leaves tea is just excellent

* Beautiful & Glowing Skin: Regular use of the paste of need leaves. Nb: Adding tumeric gives better results, and adding Cucumbers makes the results more better. ALWAYS APPLY ON FACE WHEN GOING TO SLEEP. *This mixture of leaves, tumeric and cucumber can also be used for skin whitening.

* Chronic Wounds & Ulcers: A paste of neem leaves and tumeric are effective here

* Skin infections/ Rashes/ Skin dryness: Mash or pound neem leaves and apply green juice on skin. Also use smashed leaves as a skin scrub
* Diluting a little neem seed oil in water and bathing with also works against skin infections/diseases

* Skin toner : Boil about 20 to 25 leaves in 1 liter of water in a closed vessel over a gentle flame for about 20 minutes. Then filter and put in a clean bottle and always use with the aid of a cotton to clean face with every night before going to bed. It removes dead skin, treats acne and rejuvenates skin

* Cholesterol: Leaves' tea lowers cholesterol

* Improved Eye Health: Wash eyes with cold tea of leaves

* Muscles and Joint pains: Tea from leaves and flowers jointly boiled is a good detoxifier and antiinflammatory

* Breast, Prostate and all Cancers: Neem leaves detoxify the system, improve immune response, eliminate free radicals and inhibit inflammatory reactions. It destroys cancer cells more especially prostate cancers growth and and inhibits spread

* Blood Cleanser: Neem leaves tea cleanses the blood and more effective when taken with honey

* Sore throat: Gaggle neem leaves tea several times a day

* Dandruff & Hair fall: Wash hair regularly with neem leaves tea

* Painkiller: Extract of leaves and seeds together gives a good antiinflammatory that RELIEVES PAINS,  heals CUTS, WOUNDS, HEADACHES, SPRAINS, EAR ACHES

*Antibiotics: Leaves, barks, and almost all parts of neem have antibiotic effects, BUT the TWIGS have highest antibiotics effect
* Works against dangerous bacteria like S mutans, S aureus and E Faecalis

* Hair Treatment: Boil a handful of neem leaves in a little water and use to wash you hair after shampooing. It's antifungal, antiparasitic, antibacterial and antiviral properties will help to heal your scalp of dandruff, hair fall problems and from lots of diseases

* Injuries & burns: Neem leaves juice or teas applied on them works faster

* Mouth diseases: Neem leaves/bark teas prevent mouth diseases like cavities, tooth decay and gingivitis
*Neem seed oil used as a mouth wash heals gum diseases. It inhibits the growth of streptococcus mutants in the mouth, a bacteria that causes oral problems

* Neem bark is effective in the treatment of gastritis and ulcers

* Chicken pox: Drink regularly neem leaves tea and also take regular baths with it

* Delays Signs of Skin Ageing: Neem oils and leaves rejuvenate skin,  fights against underneath pathogens, thus, keeping the skin supple and young for a long time. Add neem leaves powder to your face packs. Also dilute seed oil and use on face and body

* Psoriasis: Neem oil works miraculously on psoriasis. Neem oil helps to get rid of the itches and irritation. It moisturizes skin and works against dryness and itching

* Blackheads: Applying diluted Neem seed oil regularly prevents the reoccurrence of blackheads

* Liver Health: Neem flowers (edible ones) detoxify, heals and protect the liver against cancers and many diseases

* Leprosy: Need seed oil when taken in appropriate amounts works against Leprosy. Nb: Neem oil may be toxic when taken in large amounts into the system

* Nail Diseases: Neem seed oil cures more that sixty types of nail fungus

* Under-Eye dark circles/bags: Mix power from leaves with little water and apply paste with care understand eyes. Only wash after 15 to 30 minutes period

* Baldness: Regular application of Mashed leaves on scalp, massaging and allowing for about 30 minutes before washing, will trigger the growth of hair on bald head. Always add a little water on mashed leaves

* Weak legs: Deep legs in neem leaves solution or tea for about 30 minutes. Repeat regularly

* Viral infections: Herpes, HIV, Hepatitis, Influenza, Common colds, Chicken pox, etc.  Take neem leaves tea regular to treat symptoms, detoxify system, build immunity and possibly eradicate the disease

* Tooth ache & Teeth treatment: Neem twigs relieve toothache and also brighten when used as a chewing stick to brush teeth

* Asthma: Neem oil in small dozes works against Asthma

* Scars & Pigmentations: Neem is effective in lightening scars and pigmentations caused by acne and rashes or scabies. Use as prescribed above under skin problems

*Poisonous bites/Stings: Apply neem leaves juice or seed oil

* Piles/Hemorrhoids: Take neem leaves tea regular.

May God bless you, your family, loved ones and friends; and whole Continent.

When someone sacrifices to share a good information like this one for FREE, you have the moral obligation to share with others - Selfishness shock circuits prosperity.
Love you all.

Credit: Dr Richard FRU - GENIWA



  1. Should you honestly desire to be free from the chains of sicknesses, call or write Doctor white now on >: OO2349091844595 and email:- , I’m Aldrich Rexton from Canada. How indebted I’m to this man called Doctor WHITE for being an instrument to cure me from HIV/AIDS and my youngest sister from HEPATITIS respectively. He was introduced to him by a Brazilian doctor who have also benefited from his herbal viral cure 6years ago. He said to me “Doctor White is gifted, a man of few words and trusted. Call him and you will be glad you did” such words from a highly rated medical doctor prompted me to write him immediately out of curiosity. I told him about my sister and he opted to cure me before my sister this to him was to prove himself. He advised me on things to abstain from during the period of treatment and also go for a laboratory confirmation test after a stipulated time. I took the herbal cure as he prescribed and went for the test right there in the laboratory was my first day to have tears of joy and instantly i requested to purchase hepatitis cure for my kid sister which we tracked online and received in few days for this she takes me as her Idol after she’s cured, our joy is restored. I urged you to keep these contacts as life saving once being it herpes, Cancer, Depression or Diabetes. Save a life today and this will always bring you joy.
    Thanks, Aldrich Rexton

  2. Truly nature can heal it all. I can conveniently say this because I have walked down that road, I have been between the devil and the deep blue sea, I have seen the bad and the ugly in trying to get my life fixed not withstanding how many times I failed i was still determined to get healing because I was young and had dependants. Physicians told me to learn to leave with itching, pains and burnings and continue to take my pills even when they make me depressed. I decided to exploit more by stuffing the internet and researches behold i read a great testimonies of Dr. White DRWHITETHEHIVHEALER@GMAIL.COM Published by a sincere survival on national daily. Being a herbalist with a big heart the man I will always call dad and savior, we discussed and he vowed to saved me provided I tell others about him after which he sent me the cure through courier to be used twice daily for 2weeks. My only difficulty was one of the medicines was pretty bitter but Don’t just give up hopes now, keep faith, this man is anointed by the most high to help end your HERPES, other VIRUSES and BACTERIAL infections. Email him today or Watsapp +2349091844595 and thank heaven thereafter. Go through the tunnel it promises to give light at the end. For further guidance write me on (

  3. Should you honestly desire to be free from the chains of sicknesses, call or write Doctor white now on >: OO2349091844595 and email:- , I’m Aldrich Rexton from Canada. How indebted I’m to this man called Doctor WHITE for being an instrument to cure me from HIV/AIDS and my youngest sister from HEPATITIS respectively. He was introduced to him by a Brazilian doctor who have also benefited from his herbal viral cure 6years ago. He said to me “Doctor White is gifted, a man of few words and trusted. Call him and you will be glad you did” such words from a highly rated medical doctor prompted me to write him immediately out of curiosity. I told him about my sister and he opted to cure me before my sister this to him was to prove himself. He advised me on things to abstain from during the period of treatment and also go for a laboratory confirmation test after a stipulated time. I took the herbal cure as he prescribed and went for the test right there in the laboratory was my first day to have tears of joy and instantly i requested to purchase hepatitis cure for my kid sister which we tracked online and received in few days for this she takes me as her Idol after she’s cured, our joy is restored. I urged you to keep these contacts as life saving once being it herpes, Cancer, Depression or Diabetes. Save a life today and this will always bring you joy.
    Thanks, Aldrich Rexton


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