Call for Nominations: Workshop on Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists

Call for Nominations: Workshop on Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences, Trieste, Italy, 12-15 September 2017

The Secretariat of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), The Netherlands, would like to invite nominations from the National Authority and Permanent Representation of Member States to the OPCW to attend this workshop. Kindly submit the nomination form to the OPCW Secretariat via email ( 

OPCW will organise, in collaboration with the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) and the InterAcademy Partnership (IAP), the second edition of a workshop on “Policy and Diplomacy for Scientists: Introduction to Responsible Research Practices in Chemical and Biochemical Sciences”. The workshop will be held at TWAS headquarters in Trieste, Italy, from 12 to 15 September 2017.

The objective of the workshop is to raise awareness among young scientists on the policy and diplomacy aspects that are related to the use of chemicals in various scientific disciplines, including chemistry, biochemistry, biotechnology, and other related fields.

Admission requirements:
1) Have a PhD in natural sciences or related to engineering, from a recognized university or institution;
2) Be citizens of OPCW Member States;
3) Have been working in the field of applied chemical or biochemical or related sciences (research, academia, or industry) for at least five years;
4) Are young scientists at the beginning of their scientific career.
The workshop will be conducted in English. Participants must therefore have a strong command of both written and spoken English.

For full details on the application procedure and to access the application form see:|page_id-898&cHash=8ef562e818ca85c8cf4fcc9238299c1d

Applications can be submitted by email to (quoting “Policy for Scientists, Italy, 2017” in the subject line).

Deadline: All applications must be received by the Secretariat no later than 1 August 2017.

Please do not hesitate to contact Mr Zinoviev ( with cc,  if you require any additional 


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