TAPE WORMS: Unwanted 'Guests' in the Intestines

Tapeworms are flat, segmented worms that live in the intestines of some animals. Animals can become infected with these parasites when grazing in pastures or drinking contaminated water.
Eating undercooked meat from infected animals is the main cause of tapeworm infection in people. Although tapeworms in humans usually cause few symptoms and are easily treated, they can sometimes cause serious, life-threatening problems. That's why it's important to recognize the symptoms and know how to protect yourself and your family.
Tapeworm Causes
Six types of tapeworms are known to infect people. They are usually identified by the animals they come from -- for example, Taenia saginata from beef, Taenia solium from pork, and Diphyllobothrium latum from fish.
Tapeworms have a three-stage lifecycle: egg, an immature stage called a larva, and an adult stage at which the worm can produce more eggs. Because larvae can get into the muscles of their hosts, infection can occur when you eat raw or undercooked meat from an infected animal.
It is also possible to contract pork tapeworms from foods prepared by an infected person. Because tapeworm eggs are passed with bowel movements, a person who doesn't wash hands well after wiping and then prepares food can contaminate the food.
Tapeworm Symptoms:
Sometimes tapeworms cause symptoms such as:
    Abdominal pain
    Hunger or loss of appetite
    Weight loss
    Vitamin and mineral deficiencies
However, often tapeworms don't cause symptoms. The only sign of tapeworm infection may be segments of the worms, possibly moving, in a bowel movement.
In rare cases, tapeworms can lead to serious complications, including blocking the intestine. If pork tapeworm larvae move out of the intestine, they can migrate to other parts of the body and cause damage to the liver, eyes, heart, and brain. These infections can be life-threatening.
Treatment for Tapeworms:
If you suspect you have tapeworms, see your doctor. Diagnosing a tapeworm infection may require a stool sample to identify the type of worm.
If worms are not detected in the stool, your doctor may order a blood test to check for antibodies produced to fight tapeworm infection. For serious cases, your doctor may use imaging tests such as computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to check for damage outside the digestive tract.
The type and length of treatment may depend on the type of tapeworm you have. Tapeworms are usually treated with a medicine taken by mouth. The most commonly used medicine for tapeworms is praziquantel (Biltricide).
These medications kill the tapeworms. The dead tapeworms then dissolve or pass from your body with bowel movements. If worms are large, you may have cramping when they pass. Your doctor will recheck stool samples at one and three months after you finish treatment. When tapeworms are confined to the intestines, appropriate treatment gets rid of them in more than 95% of people.
More serious complications of tapeworm infection are also treated with medications.
Preventing Tapeworms in Humans:
Tapeworms are uncommon in the U.S. today because of laws on feeding practices and inspection of the animals we use for food.
You can further reduce your risk of tapeworms by washing your hands before and after using the toilet and by following these food safety tips.
1.Avoid raw fish and meat.
2.Thoroughly cook meat to temperatures of at least 145 degrees Fahrenheit for whole cuts of meat and to at least 160 degrees F for ground meat. Then let it rest for at least 3 minutes before carving or eating. Safe temperatures for poultry are different.
3. Freeze meat to -4 degrees F for at least 24 hours to kill tapeworm eggs.
4.WHen traveling in undeveloped countries, cook fruits and vegetables with boiled or chemically-treated water before eating.
5.Wash hands with soap and hot water before preparing or eating foods.
Please follow the link above to watch a video of tape worms in the heart.


  1. nice write up sir. i have a questioin.it is said that tapeworms are also naturally found in the intestines of humans.however it is also said that taking of de-worming medicines do not kill all the worms but rather cuts it into parts so is there a way to kill all the worms? thank you.

  2. Thank you. For your first question, Tape worms do not occur 'naturally' in the intestines but only gain acess when an individual consumes food or water that is contaminated with the eggs of tapeworm. One can also get infested through the consumption of undercooked or raw meat.
    For your other question, deworming drugs usually refered to antihelminthic drugs work have two major mechanisms of action. Drugs like Albendazole and Mebendazole starve the worms by preventing them from absorbing nutrients such as sugars while Praziquantel and ivermectin for example paralyse the worms therefore dislodging them from the gut and facilitating their excretion. The former group for instance does not have any effect on the eggs so talking about complete eradication, the right drug must be applied for the right duration of time. I hope i have done justice to your queries.


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